Your blockchain dapp development begins here

Build Deploy Measure

Block Fabric is an AI driven all-in-one platform that helps you create, deploy, manage and monitor smart contracts across various blockchains.

AI driven all-in-one platform for building and managing dapps

Just connect your wallet and you're good to go.

Block Fabric makes dapp creation a breeze. Create smart contracts using preset templates without code, or import your existing contracts. Manage your dapps centrally, and leverage robust analytics for insightful app performance.

Launch smart contracts directly from GitHub

Build and deploy your app directly from your GitHub repository

Build with No Code Templates

Build your contract from a growing collection of preset templates you can use and customize

ERC20 standard token contract used for transactions.
Template by BlockFabric
ERC721 standard NFT contract to house a collection of unique assets.
Template by BlockFabric
One-Time Subscription
Accept one time payments for product subscription.
Template by BlockFabric
ICO Crowd Sale
Launch initial coin offering and crowd sale for your token.
Template by BlockFabric

AI Security and Code Review

Block Fabric's advanced AI security and code review analysis automatically scans your smart contract codes using industry leading AI models to ensure unparalleled security and integrity.

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Smart Contract Analytics

See insights and understand how people interact with your dapp.

With Block Fabric, dive deep into user interactions, tracking smart contract usage and trends. Enhance dapp performance and user experience through precise data-driven insights.

Works with Existing Contracts

Easily import contracts already active on the blockchain.

Block Fabric seamlessly incorporates your pre-deployed contracts, ensuring smooth transitions and uninterrupted operations. Maximize your blockchain efforts without starting from scratch.



We keep things free for as much as we can

Beta Preview

Beta Features
  • Available now
  • Unlimited apps
  • Full experimental features

Features are ongoing development and experimental.


  • Available soon
  • Up to 2 apps
  • Basic Analytics
  • Public GitHub Repo
  • Standard AI Code Review
  • Standard AI Security Review

Stable release.


To be announced
  • Available soon
  • Unlimited apps
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Public & Private GitHub Repo
  • Customizable AI Code Review
  • Customizable AI Security Review
  • App versioning

Stable release.

Early Access Beta Preview

Be among the first to experience our beta preview and experience a new way of creating and deploying smart contracts. We welcome your valuable feedback as it can significantly shape Block Fabric's future.